Chapter 1 Overkill

1.1 All you need is lambda


  • lambda calculus, model of computation, mathematical model, Alonzo Church, (logical) calculus, method, process, formalization, formalism, Turing machine, effective computability, problem, solvable problems, unsolvable problems, classes of problems, decidability, decision problem


1a This chapter provides a very brief introduction to the lambda calculus, a model of computation devised in the 1930s by Alonzo Church.

  • Very brief? How brief is that? What are some things that you aren’t covering?

    • Pretty much any useful function definitions are not covered. Arithmetic, boolean operations, representation of basic data structures like pairs or lists, and recursion using the Y combinator aren’t covered. Neither are different evaluation strategies. Neither are explicit substitution methods, for representing the process of beta-reduction precisely. Measuring the complexity of lambda expressions is also not mentioned. But that’s OK, we only need the basics for understanding Haskell.

  • What is a model of computation?

    • A model of computation is a model which describes how an output of a mathematical function is computed given an input. A model describes how units of computations, memories, and communications are organized. The computational complexity of an algorithm can be measured given a model of computation. Using a model allows studying the performance of algorithms independently of the variations that are specific to particular implementations and specific technology.

  • What is a (mathematical) model?

    • from

      A mathematical model is a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language. … A model may help to explain a system and to study the effects of different components, and to make predictions about behavior.

  • How does someone devise a model of computation?

  • What problem, idea, or event motivated Alonzo Church to create the lambda calculus?

    This is a big subject that I can’t hope to answer satisfactorily without a lot of reading, but here’s my understanding of the issue right now.

    Since the late 1600s, mathematicians have been investigating the possibility that all of mathematics could be reduced to formal logic, which may then be calculated by machine. Leibniz and George Boole envisaged automating much of human thought, or at least the subset of thought that is based on logical reasoning.

    How can we determine which calculations can or cannot be computed? From the view of mathematics, when considering a particular function, the question may be rephrased to “can the mathematical function undergoing computation eventually result in an answer?”, or “is the function effectively calculable”, or in the case of logical statements (as in mathematical logic) “can the truth value eventually be decided?”.

    This last question is known as the decision problem, or Entscheidungsproblem, and this is the problem that Church tries to make precise with LC. Church was interested in a few particular instances of the problem, articulated by David Hilbert – Hilberts 10th problem, and Hilberts Program. He tries to address these examples, and assumes the reader will generalize his conclusions to the larger issue of what can be computed mechanically.

    Here is Church’s account of the Entscheidungsproblem:

    “By the Entscheidungsproblem of a system of symbolic logic is here understood the problem to find an effective method by which, given any expression Q in the notation of the system, it can be determined whether or not Q is provable in the system.” ~ Church 1936

    If you want to read more about the subject, I suggest “Engines of Logic” by Martin Davis and “The Annotated Turing” by Charles Petzold. Engines presents a timeline of several important thinkers, leading up to the idea of the decision problem, and the Church-Turing thesis. The Annotated Turing focuses on the Alan Turing’s paper that describes his model of computation, the logical computing machine. Another interesting resource is “Lambda Calculus: Then and Now”, a lecture by Dana Scott available through publications of the ACM. It links to a timeline of important academic papers leading up to the lambda calculus, and some of the lambda calculus’ applications in programming language design.

  • When particularly was the lambda calculus introduced? In which papers, conferences, or historical events was LC introduced?

    from Lambda Calculus: Then & Now …

    Alonzo Church, “An Unsolvable Problem in Elementary Number Theory,” American J. of Mathematics, vol. 5 (1936), pp. 345-363.

    Alonzo Church, “A Note on the Entscheidungsproblem,” J. of Symbolic Logic, vol. 1 (1936) pp. 40-41. Correction: ibid, pp. 101-102.

    Alan Turing, “On Computable Numbers with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem,” Proc. of the London Math. Soc., vol. 42 (1936), pp. 230-267. Correction: vol. 43 (1937), pp. 544-546.

    Alan Turing, “Computability and λ-definability,” J. Symbolic Logic, vol. 2 (1937), pp. 153-163.


    • 1932 A. Church, “A set of postulates for the foundation of logic”, Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, 33:346–366

      Church introduces the lambda calculus as part of his investigation into the foundations of mathematics.

    • 1934 Curry, Haskell B. “Functionality in combinatory logic.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 20.11 (1934): 584-590

      Curry observes that types of the combinators could be seen as axiom-schemas for an intuitionistic implicational logic.

    • 1935 Kleene, S. C. & Rosser, J. B. “The inconsistency of certain formal logics”. Annals of Mathematics 36 (3): 630–636

      The Kleene-Rosser paradox is established, showing the inconsistency of Curry’s combinatory logic and Church’s original lambda calculus.

    • 1936 A. Church, “An unsolvable problem of elementary number theory”, American Journal of Mathematics, Volume 58, No. 2. (April 1936), pp. 345-363

      In response to Kleene and Rosser, Church introduces what would later be called the untyped lambda calculus. He did this by isolating the relevant portions of the original lambda calculus that pertained solely to computation.

    • 1940 Church, A. “A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types”. Journal of Symbolic Logic 5: 1940.

      Church introduces the simply typed lambda calculus.

    • 1958 Curry, H. B., Feys, R., Craig, W., & Craig, W. (1958). Combinatory logic, vol. 1. North-Holland Publ.

      Curry, et al, observes a close correspondence between axioms of positive implicational propositional logic and “basic combinators”.

    • 1969 Howard, W., 1980 [1969], “The formulae-as-types notion of construction,” in J. Seldin and J. Hindley (eds.), To H. B. Curry: Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus and Formalism, London, New York: Academic Press, pp. 480–490

      The Curry-Howard correspondence is circulated as notes but would not be officially published until 1980. It was based on the “formulas-as-types” or “propositions-as-sets” principle and linked with Church’s simply typed lambda calculus.

      Howard did so by taking the untyped lambda calculus and creating what could be interpreted as a variant of the simply typed lambda calculus (in § “Type symbols, terms and constructors) that could be more readily expressed with the concepts he was explaining at the time.

      This correspondence would make intuitionistic natural deduction part of computer science proper [1], and would be instrumental to further developments in type theory.

    • 1972 Martin-Löf, P. “An intuitionistic theory of types.” Omtryckt i (Sambin och Smith 1998)

      This is abridged, as there was a prior formalization in 1971 called “A theory of types” that was shown to be inconsistent as demonstrated by Girard’s paradox, and his later refinements became predicative, along with adding many other seminal contributions to type theory. There would also be intensional and extensional variants. The historical context is that it was based on an isomorphism between propositions and types, which is associated with the Curry-Howard correspondence, in which Howard directly mentions Martin-Löf during his communications. Thus, this links intuitionistic type theory to the simply typed lambda calculus, or, at the very minimum, to the entire family of the lambda calculi. (2009-) Voevodsky, Vladimir. “Notes on type systems.” Unpublished notes, ( vladimir/Site3/Univalent_Foundations) HTML

      Voevodsky introduces the starting point of the homotopy type theory and the univalent foundations. All of this was based on Voevodsky’s investigations into the foundations of mathematics, just as it was with Church, and those before him. Church’s simply typed lambda calculus has played a not insignificant role in the history of these developments, despite its seeming invisibility in the most modern incarnation of these theories.

      Later refinements came in “The Simplicial Model of Univalent Foundations” (2012) and more can be read in the Homotopy Type Theory book. An overview was published in Quanta magazine that is highly approachable.

1b “A calculus is a method of calculation or reasoning; the lambda calculus is one process for formalizing a method.”

  • There is a definition of what a calculus is here, but I feel that it is too terse. I’m just not satisfied with it. What is a calculus, really?

    Logical calculus

    Logico-mathematical calculus

    from a slide I found here

    “Calculus = just a bunch of rules for manipulating symbols. One can give meaning to the symbols (semantics), but that’s not part of the calculus (pure syntax). One can associate meanings to expressions in a way that corresponds to computations (functional programs).”

    The authors say something similar later on. From 1.6 Multiple arguments, paragraph 8, sentence c.

    1.6 8c “The lambda calculus is a process or method, like a game with a few simple rules for transforming lambdas but no specific meaning.”

    • Does calling LC a “method of calculation or reasoning” make sense, given that it is purely syntactic? Calculation and reasoning require ascribing semantics to our symbol manipulation scheme.

  • What is a process?

  • What is a method?

  • Are the “method of calculuation or reasoning” and the “method” that is to be formalized by LC different methods?

  • Is LC a method for formalizing a method?

  • Is the word “method” here being used in the specialized sense that it appears as within discussions of the Church-Turing thesis, as in, an effective (mechanically calculable) method?

    “1. The Thesis and its History

    The Church-Turing thesis concerns the concept of an effective or systematic or mechanical method in logic, mathematics and computer science. “Effective” and its synonyms “systematic” and “mechanical” are terms of art in these disciplines: they do not carry their everyday meaning.

    A method, or procedure, M, for achieving some desired result is called ‘effective’ (or ‘systematic’ or ‘mechanical’) just in case:

    • M is set out in terms of a finite number of exact instructions (each instruction being expressed by means of a finite number of symbols);

    • M will, if carried out without error, produce the desired result in a finite number of steps;

    • M can (in practice or in principle) be carried out by a human being unaided by any machinery except paper and pencil;

    • M demands no insight, intuition, or ingenuity, on the part of the human being carrying out the method.

    One of Alan Turing’s achievements, in his famous paper of 1936, was to present a formally exact predicate with which the informal predicate “can be done by means of an effective method” may be replaced (Turing 1936). Alonzo Church, working independently, did the same (Church 1936a).

    As explained by Turing (1936: 84), Hilbert’s Entscheidungsproblem is this: Is there a general (effective) process for determining whether a given formula A of the first-order propositional calculus is provable?

    Church’s thesis: A function of positive integers is effectively calculable only if lambda-definable (or, equivalently, recursive).”

  • What does it mean to formalize a method?

  • How does someone formalize a method, in general?

    I’m not really sure, but I found this paper that discusses the subject:

    “How to Formalize It? Formalization Principles for Information Systems Development Methods”, A.H.M. Hofstedeter and H.A. Proper, Information and Software Technology, 40(10), 519–540, 1998.

    Abstract. Although the need for formalisation of modelling techniques is generally recognised, not much literature is devoted to the actual process involved. This is comparable to the situation in mathematics where focus is on proofs but not on the process of proving. This paper tries to accommodate for this lacuna and provides essential principles for the process of formalisation in the context of modelling techniques as well as a number of small but realistic formalisation case studies.

    Keywords: Formalization, Methodologies, Information Systems How-to-formalize-it%3A-Formalization-principles-for-Hofstede-Proper/ 991cc9588026661e48effec5cb551304933b4795

    Also, here is the definition of **formalization method** from the Encylopedia of Mathematics,

    Formalization method

    A way of expressing by a formal system a mathematical theory. It is one of the main methods in proof theory.

    An application of the formalization method involves carrying out the following stages.

    • Putting the original mathematical theory into symbols. In this all the propositions of the theory are written in a suitable logico-mathematical language L.

    • The deductive analysis of the theory and the choice of axioms, that is, of a collection of propositions of the theory from which all other propositions of the theory can be logically derived.

    • Adding the axioms in their symbolic notation to a suitable logical calculus based on L.

    The system obtained by this formalization is now itself the object of precise mathematical study (see Axiomatic method; Proof theory).

    References: [1] S.C. Kleene, “Introduction to metamathematics”, North-Holland (1951)

  • Are there other processes for formalizing a method?

  • What is a formalism?

  • What problem or turn of events motivated the creation of lambda calculus?

  • Which papers and events were the lambda calculus introduced by?

1c “Like Turing machines, the lambda calculus formalizes the concept of effective computability, thus determining which problems, or classes or problems, can be solved.”

  • What is effective computability?

  • Is effective computability a set of criteria for which problems can be solved mechanically?

  • How does formalizing the concept of effective computability determine which problems can be solved?

  • How does LC formalize the concept of effective computability?

  • What is a class of problems? What are these classes categorized by? Complexity? Problem area?

2 You may be wondering where the Haskell is. You may be contemplating skipping this chapter. You may feel tempted to leap ahead to the fun stuff where we build a project.

  • Why do you think I would be contemplating skipping this chapter?

4a “We’re starting from first principles here, so that when we get around to building projects, you know what you’re doing.”

  • How will learning lambda calculus help me build projects?

    • It won’t. But LC will be useful for several other things:

      • Communicating with other Haskellers in public forums and chatrooms.

      • Being able to read papers from various functional programming conferences. This is important since Haskell language extensions (using GHC LANGUAGE pragmas) are often introduced and prototyped at conferences first, before gaining traction and getting a more robust implementation. Reading those papers is a quick way to get oriented on an extension because it explains the core idea in a self-contained way.

      • Understanding how multiple arguments are treated during program evaluation.

      • Understanding how control flow works in functional languages.

        • Dependencies between function calls determine control flow, not a program counter.

        • Church-Rosser theorem: Regardless of the order reductions are performed in, the result will be the same.

        • Outermost reduction comes into play when determining which argument will be consumed first.

      • Illustrating the idea of equational reasoning.

        • Programs are like algebraic expressions.

        • Running a program corresponds to reducing those expressions to a simpler form.

        • At any point during program execution, a name may be replaced with its definition, as in math.

        • Thinking of programs this way means you can rearrange source code algebraically, too, in order to make it easier to read, or easier to modify in different ways.

        • You can begin to think of a program as a graph. In this graph, each node is a function execution instance, represented as an equation. Within each equation, names don’t change meaning. Connections between nodes represent arguments, which act as inputs values bound to parameters names of each nodes execution instance.

      • Reading type signatures, and deducing how different type signatures may be combined.

      • Someone else asked this same question –

        Here is the top comment:


        63 points, 4 years ago

        There are many reasons why lambda-calculus is important.

        Untyped lambda-calculus (ULC), along with Turing machines, combinatorial logic, partial recursive functions and type-0 grammars, is one of the foundational models of computation, so we know that if ULC can be translated into a programming language then that language can express any computation.

        Compared with partial recursive functions, ULC is syntactic and easily axiomatized, so it’s easy to list all the rules. You don’t need a background in recursion theory or domain theory to grasp the definition.

        Compared with the other models, LC is notationally simple. To write down a program, you just need to write out a term; you don’t need to define a machine or tape symbols; you don’t need a separate disembodied list of definitions; scoping is extremely clear. Compared to combinatorial logic, it’s more human-readable. To transform a program or show two programs are “the same”, you can use essentially the same methods that you learned in high school to manipulate algebraic expressions. You can execute a program by hand.

        LC has both equational and rewriting models. An equational model says when two programs give the same result for the same inputs, but ignores the space/time complexity. Rewriting models are similar, except they also note the steps, so you can reason about complexity. In LC, the relationship between these two is usually pretty simple, so it’s easy to start thinking about a problem in terms of correctness and then, later, once you’ve convinced yourself of that, think about rewrites and efficiency. This promotes separation of concerns.

        It’s fairly easy to add types to ULC, and to compare the typed and untyped versions. When you add types in the most obvious way, types correspond to logical propositions and typed terms correspond to proofs of those propositions, so you get an additional way of thinking about programs, and writing total, correct programs becomes an exercise in proving theorems in constructive logic.

        These types “coordinatize” the space of computations so we can think about it in parts (e.g., sums, products) and not just as a big ball of mud. LC is pretty amenable to extension with features we see in other programming languages, such as I/O, mutation and concurrency.

        There is a huge body of literature about lambda-calculi, so it’s easy to benefit from the work of other people. LC is a lingua franca. It’s conventions are well-established; it’s concise; conceptually, it’s robust enough to accommodate many sorts of extensions.

        You mentioned unnecessary jargon and complexity. Of course, I don’t know specifically what you’re referring to (and I haven’t read the book you mention), but chances are it’s probably not unnecessary. Because LC is concise, treatments of it can afford to give you the whole story.

        Most programming language definitions sweep a lot of things under the rug and/or punt it to a vague, assumed understanding of a von Neumann architecture. Practically none give you a complete, unambiguous list of ALL the rules which say how two programs are related.

        Think about the power of this as a tool. In pure ULC, you can prove that two programs do exactly the same thing on all inputs with 100% confidence, and it doesn’t involve any testing or assumptions about the implementation or architecture.

    • When you say “know what you’re doing”, what do you imagine that I will be doing? What are the things I need to do, in order to build projects, that LC will help me to know?

4c “Lambda calculus is your foundation, because Haskell is a lambda calculus.”

  • Is that really true? In what sense is Haskell a lambda calculus?

    • Haskell’s regular language syntax reduces to a subset of the language called the language kernel.

    • The language kernel then is reduced to the core type, which is an implementation of a typed lambda calculus called system fc.

    • This eventually turns into a build artifact you can run on your computer.

    • Furthermore, the evaluation strategy used by Haskell resembles the lambda calculus.


The quote at the beginning of the chapter talks about great mathematicians. Then the first paragraph name drops several concepts related to computability that someone without exposure to cs would be completely unaware of. This makes me wonder: who is the real target audience, here? Beginner programmers, people who’ve never written a single line of code, don’t know this stuff, and would probably be put off by even mentioning it. Who then is the intended reader, and what things must they know beforehand? Maybe it’s CS dropouts like me?

Why is there no description of how learning lambda calculus will benefit your ability to write Haskell code?

Where are the learning objectives?

What are the learning objectives?

What are the expected outcomes of completing the chapter?

What are the abilities you’ll gain by completing the chapter that you did not have before?

I get that your asking me to trust you, but I think you’ve missed an opportunity to make your writing more compelling by explaining the relevance of LC to writing Haskell.

1.2 What is functional programming?


  • functional programming, programming paradigm, mathematical functions, expression, values, variables, functions, argument, input, application (of a function to its arguments), reduction, evaluation, first-class, argument passing, lambda expression, purity, referential transparency, abstraction, composability, (re)factoring, generic code


1a “Functional programming is a computer programming paradigm that relies on functions modeled on mathematical functions.”

  • What is a mathematical function?

  • What is a programming paradigm?

  • Why does it mean for functions in a PL to be modelled on mathematical functions?

  • Do other programming languages not use functions that behave like mathematical functions?

2a “Functional programming languages are all based on the lambda calculus.”

  • What does it mean for a language to be based on LC?

  • What about languages based on other calculi that allow equational reasoning, like closure calculus, or SKI combinator calculus? Are those not functional languages, too?

  • LISP is one of the first functional languages, but it was not initially based on lambda calculus, but on a formalism that McCarthy developed, instead.

    “The recursive functions mentioned in McCarthy’s seminal paper, Recursive functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I refer to the class of functions studied in computability theory.”

    “… one of the myths concerning LISP that people think up or invent for themselves becomes apparent, and that is that LISP is somehow a realization of the lambda calculus, or that was the intention. The truth is that I didn’t understand the lambda calculus, really.” ~ John McCarthy, Lisp session, History of Programming Languages

Source here:

See the discussion here and linked article for details:

vga805 on Aug 14, 2019 [–]

So there are a two issues here,

  1. whether or not it was McCarthy’s intention to realize the Lambda Calculus in LISP, and

  2. whether or not LISP is such a realization. Or at least some kind of close realization.

The answer to 1 is clearly no. This doesn’t imply an answer to 2 one way or another.

If 2 isn’t true, what explains the widespread belief? Is it really just that he, McCarthy, borrowed some notation?

vilhelm_s on Aug 14, 2019 [–]

Modern lisps do realize the lambda calculus, but this was not immediate. In particular, in order to exactly match the lambda-calculus beta-reduction rule, you need to use lexical rather than dynamic scope, which did not really become popular until Scheme in the 1970s.

1b “The essence of functional programming is that programs are a combination of expressions.”

2b “Some languages in the general category incorporate features that aren’t translatable into lambda expressions.”

  • What does it mean to translate a language feature into a lambda expression?

  • By lambda expression, do you mean an expression in the lambda calculus, or the Haskell syntax for function literals?

  • Assuming you mean an expression in LC; How can a language feature not be translatable into lambda expressions? Isn’t that like saying a language feature can’t be translated to binary? LC is just an encoding, after all.

  • Also, in section 1.8 of “Functional Programming through Lambda Calculus” by Greg Michaelson, the author mentions that LC has been used to model imperative languages. How does that fit in?

    “1.9 Computing and theory of computing

    In the mid 1960s, Landin and Strachey both proposed the use of the λ-calculus to model imperative languages. Landin’s approach was based on an operational description of the λ-calculus defined in terms of an abstract interpreter for it - the SECD machine. Having described the λ-calculus, Landin then used it to construct an abstract interpreter for ALGOL 60. (McCarthy had also used an abstract interpreter to describe LISP). This approach formed the bases of the Vienna Definition Language (VDL) which was used to define IBM’s PL/1. The SECD machine has been adapted to implement many functional languages on digital computers. Landin also developed the pure functional language ISWIM which influenced later languages.

    Strachey’s approach was to construct descriptions of imperative languages using a notation based on λ-calculus so that every imperative language construct would have an equivalent function denotation. This approach was strengthened by Scott’s lattice theoretic description for λ-calculus. Currently, denotational semantics and its derivatives are used to give formal definitions of programming languages. Functional languages are closely related to λ-calculus based semantic languages.


2c “Haskell is a pure functional language, because it does not.”

  • What does the author mean by that?

    • Maybe he was trying to say that some imperative or effectful features don’t map cleanly to the idea of program execution as substitution in a text rewriting system like LC?

3a “The word purity is sometimes also used to mean what is more properly called referential transparency.”

  • Ok, I’ll take your word for that. You said “sometimes”. What about those other times? Is purity (as in purely functional) used to mean something else? If so, what?

  • Is there a formal definition of what referential transparency means?


I think this section would be more clear if the phrase “return a value” is replaced with “reduces to the value”.

1.3 What is a function?


  • function, relation, set, inputs, outputs, relationship, domain, codomain, range, preimage, image, surjective, bijective, injective, reflexive, symmetric, transitive, referential transparency, predictable, function body, return

General questions and comments

  • What is the difference between the codomain, range, and image of a function? These ideas seem similar, and the distinctions between them are sometimes only evident if the function is partial, or has incomputable elements in the domain.

  • Referential transparency is probably one of the most important ideas in functional programming, so I want to be able to explain it well. I should experiment with different ways of explaining the idea.

1.4 The structure of lambda expressions


  • lambda terms, expression, variable, abstraction (this is what functions in LC are called), function, argument, input, output, head, body, parameter, name binding, application, anonymous function, alpha equivalence

1.5 Beta reduction


  • application, substitution, head elimination, beta reduction, director string, identity function, non-capturing substitution [x := (y.y)], function execution instance, associativity, left associative, grouping, free variable, bound variable, reducable expression, or redex, reduct

1.6 Multiple arguments


  • nested heads, currying, term, reducible expression, irreducible expression

1.7 Evaluation is simplification


  • normal form, beta normal form, fully evaluated expression, saturated function (all arguments applied), application vs simplification


1a There are multiple normal forms in lambda calculus, but when we refer to normal form here, we mean beta normal form.

  • Wait; This is the first sentence, and you haven’t defined normal form. What is a normal form?

    From “Term Rewriting and All That” by Franz Baader and Tobias Nipkow,

    Chapter 1: Motivating Examples

    Termination: Is it always the case that after finitely many rule applications we reach an expression to which no more rules apply? Such an expression is then called a normal form.

    Confluence: If there are different ways of applying rules to a given term £, leading to different derived terms tand £2, can tand £2 be joined, i.e. can we always find a common term s that can be reached both from tand from £2 by rule application?

    More generally, one can ask whether this is always possible, i.e. can we always make a non-confluent system confluent by adding implied rules (completion of term rewriting systems).”

    Chapter 2: Abstract Reduction systems

    “The term “reduction” has been chosen because in many applications something [Ed; such as the number of possible operations] decreases with each reduction step, but cannot decrease forever.”

  • What are the other normal forms?

1b “Beta normal form is when you cannot beta reduce (apply lambdas to arguments) tht terms any further.”

1.8 combinators


  • combinator


  • Are functions with no body, like (λxy.) also combinators?

1.9 Divergence


  • divergence, non-termination, termination, convergence, meaningful result, or answer