Chapter 8: Overkill

8.1 Recursion


3a “But the lambda calculus does not appear on the surface to have any means of recursion, because of the anonymity of expressions.” 3b “How do you call something without a name?”

(Someone wrote a good overview of this. It’s much better then my rambling notes. I ended up figuring out something similar after reading a stack overflow article, and part of my reasoning process is what follows below. Hopefully no one takes my notes to seriously – these are just here to help me think – they’re much messier than my normal written communication style.)

The basic idea is to duplicate a function definition, and then feed the duplicate definition to the original as an argument. The original function expression takes that argument, binds it to a parameter name, and then calls that parameter with new arguments in the recursive case.

Here’s how you might do that in Haskell, using an anonymous function literal.

( from here )

> import Data.Function (fix)
> fix (\f n -> if n == 0 then 1 else n * f (n-1)) 3

So, fix is meant to behave like the Y combinator in LC. It duplicates the function. How is it defined in Haskell, I wonder?

fix f = let x = f x in x

Wow, that’s pretty different from the untyped lambda calculus representation. Here is a definition that more closely resembles the untyped LC representation.

import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

y :: (a -> a) -> a
y = \f -> (\x -> f (x' x)) (\x -> f (x' x))
    where x' = unsafeCoerce x

How are those two definitions equivalent? (Or are they?) I should try tracing the evaluation steps to find out.

Here’s another definition (from This one doesn’t break Haskell’s type system by using unsafeCoerce.

newtype SelfApply t = SelfApply { selfApply :: SelfApply t -> t }

y :: (t -> t) -> t
y f = selfApply term term
  term = (SelfApply (\x -> f (selfApply x x)))

But also, what the heck is a fixedpoint?

“…a fixed point of a function is a value that is mapped to itself by the function.” ~

So, for example, the McCarthy 91 function has a fixed point for the input value 91. The preimage is 91, and the image is also 91.

For the identity function, every input value is a fixed point.

Points that come back to the same value after a finite number of iterations of the function are called periodic points. A fixed point is a periodic point with period equal to one.

4e “Haskell has native recursion based on the same principle as the Y-combinator.”

  • What is “native recursion”?

  • Is there such a thing as “non-native recursion” or “foreign recursion”?

  • What is “the same principle as the Y-combinator”?

  • What principle does the Y-combinator operate on?

4c “But without understanding systematic behavior of recursion itself, it can be difficult to reason about those HOFs.”

What are some examples of HOFs that are difficult to reason about without understanding recursion?

Thoughts about this section

It seems like each paragraph has two or three topics. Single topic paragraphs are easier to read.

The first sentence “Recursion is defining a function in terms of itself via self-referential expressions” bugs me, too, because it gives the impression that recursion is something specific to functions in a programming language, instead of a general pattern. Later, in paragraph 2, the authors say “Recursion is a natural property of many logical and mathematical systems…” If you take the first definition literally, the authors contradicts themselves. I think it would be better to introduce the general concept of recursion, first, and then describing how it’s used in programming later.

8.2 Factorial!