Chapter 20: Foldable

20.1 Foldable

This chapter will expand on the idea of catamorphisms and generalize it to many datatypes. The folds we wrote previously mostly relied on implicit monoidal operations. As we’ll see in this chapter, generalizing catamorphisms to other datatypes depends on understanding the monoids for those structures and, in some cases, making them explicit.

This chapter will cover:

  • the Foldable class and its core operations;

  • the monoidal nature of folding;

  • standard operations deriving from folding.

20.2 The Foldable class

The Foldable class represents data structures that can be reduced to a summary value one element at a time.

Here is the info output from GHCi:

·∾ import Data.Foldable

·∾ :info Foldable
class Foldable (t :: * -> *) where
  fold      :: Monoid m => t m -> m
  foldMap   :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
  foldMap'  :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
  foldr     :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
  foldr'    :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
  foldl     :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
  foldl'    :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
  foldr1    :: (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
  foldl1    :: (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
  toList    :: t a -> [a]
  null      :: t a -> Bool
  length    :: t a -> Int
  elem      :: Eq a => a -> t a -> Bool
  maximum   :: Ord a => t a -> a
  minimum   :: Ord a => t a -> a
  sum       :: Num a => t a -> a
  product   :: Num a => t a -> a
  {-# MINIMAL foldMap | foldr #-}

instance Foldable []
instance Foldable Maybe
instance Foldable (Either a)
instance Foldable ((,) a)

As you can see, only foldMap or foldr are required for a minimally complete class definition. All of the other class methods are implemented in terms of them, as default class method declarations.

The first line of the class declaration includes the kind signature for k (t :: * -> *). Types that take more than one type argument, such as tuples and ``Either``, will necessarily have their first type argument included as part of their structure.

…wait, I thought that instances operated on the outermost type argument, not the first?

To follow along with the examples in this chapter, import Data.Foldable and Data.Monoid.

20.3 Revenge of the monoids

Folding necessarily implies a binary associative operation that has an identity value (a monoid).

The first two operations defined in Foldable make this explicit:

class Foldable (t :: * -> *) where

  fold    :: Monoid m => t m -> m

  foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m

Where are the separate function arguments, you ask? Look, that’s what I’m saying: You don’t need a function argument. Instead, the function for combining elements is inferred to be the (<>) operation of the monoid that those elements have for their datatype.

In the following example:

·∾ fold ["Hello ","world!"]
"Hello world!"

…the monoidal operation (<>) was used, which is the same as (++), or concatenation.

Here is the haddock documentation for fold, which has a few more examples:


Given a structure with elements whose type is a Monoid, combine them via the monoid’s (<>) operator. This fold is right-associative and lazy in the accumulator. When you need a strict left-associative fold, use foldMap' instead, with id as the map.


Basic usage:

>>> fold [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6], []]

>>> fold $ Node (Leaf (Sum 1)) (Sum 3) (Leaf (Sum 5))
Sum {getSum = 9}

Folds of unbounded structures do not terminate when the monoid’s (<>) operator is strict:

>>> fold (repeat Nothing)
* Hangs forever *

Lazy corecursive folds of unbounded structures are fine:

>>> take 12 $ fold $ map (\i -> [i..i+2]) [0..]

>>> sum $ take 4000000 $ fold $ map (\i -> [i..i+2]) [0..]

20.3.1 And now for something different

Ok, but what about situations where the elements have multiple possible monoids defined for them?

One way to deal with this is by mapping a particular monoid over our foldable, first, like this:

·∾ fold $ map Sum [1..20]
Sum {getSum = 210}

Or we can use foldMap:

·∾ foldMap Sum [1..20]
Sum {getSum = 210}

foldMap can also have a function to map that is different from the monoid it’s using:

·∾ :{
 ⋮ xs :: [Product Int]
 ⋮ xs =  [1,2,3]
 ⋮ :}

·∾ foldMap (*5) xs
Product {getProduct = 750}

·∾ :{
 ⋮ es :: [Sum Int]
 ⋮ es =  [1,2,3]
 ⋮ :}

·∾ foldMap (*5) es
Sum {getSum = 30}

That’s it. That’s everything you need to know about foldMap :^).

20.4 Demonstrating Foldable instances

Let’s turn our attention to implementing Foldable instances for different types.

20.4.1 Identity

·∾ data Identity a = Identity a deriving (Eq, Show)

·∾ :{
 ⋮ instance Foldable Identity where
 ⋮   foldr f z (Identity x) = f x z
 ⋮   foldl f z (Identity x) = f z x
 ⋮   foldMap f (Identity x) = f x
 ⋮ :}

·∾ foldr (*) 1 (Identity 5)

·∾ foldr (*) 5 (Identity 5)

·∾ foldMap (*5) (Identity 100) :: Product Integer
Product {getProduct = 500}

20.4.2 Maybe

This one is a little more interesting because, unlike with Identity, we have to account for the Nothing cases. When the Maybe value that we’re folding is Nothing, we need to be able to return some “zero” value.

For foldr and foldl, that zero value is the start value provided:

·∾ foldr (+) 1 Nothing

On the other hand, for foldMap we use the Monoid’s identity value as our zero:

·∾ foldMap (+1) Nothing :: Sum Integer
Sum {getSum = 0}

When the value is a Just value, though, we need to apply the folding function to the value and, again, dispose of the structure:

·∾ foldr (+) 1 (Just 3)

·∾ foldMap (+1) (Just 3) :: Sum Integer
Sum {getSum = 4}

Now let’s look at the instance:

·∾ data Optional a = Nada | Yep a deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

·∾ :{
 ⋮ instance Foldable Optional where
 ⋮   foldr _ z Nada = z
 ⋮   foldr f z (Yep x) = f x z
 ⋮   foldl _ z Nada = z
 ⋮   foldl f z (Yep x) = f z x
 ⋮   foldMap _ Nada = mempty
 ⋮   foldMap f (Yep a) = f a
 ⋮ :}

·∾ foldMap (+1) (Just 1) :: Sum Int
Sum {getSum = 2}

With a Nada and a declared type of Sum Int, foldMap gives us Sum 0 because that was the mepmpty or identity for Sum:

·∾ foldMap (+1) Nada :: Sum Int
Sum {getSum = 0}

Same idea for Product, which has an identity of 1:

·∾ foldMap (+1) Nada :: Product  Int
Product {getProduct = 1}

20.5 Some basic derived operations

Here are some examples of several of the other class methods, which have default definitions in the class declaration


·∾ :type toList
toList :: Foldable t => t a -> [a]

·∾ :doc toList
 List of elements of a structure, from left to right.

·∾ toList (Just 1)

·∾ map toList [Just 1,Just 2,Just 3]

·∾ concatMap toList [Just 1,Just 2,Just 3]

·∾ concatMap toList [Just 1,Just 2,Nothing]

·∾ toList (1,2)


·∾ :type null
null :: Foldable t => t a -> Bool

·∾ :doc null
 Test whether the structure is empty. The
 default implementation is optimized for
 structures that are similar to cons-lists,
 because there is no general way to do

·∾ null (Left 3)

·∾ null []

·∾ null Nothing

·∾ null (1,2)

·∾ fmap null [Just 1,Just 2,Nothing]


·∾ :type length
length :: Foldable t => t a -> Int

·∾ :doc length
 Returns the size/length of a finite
 structure as an 'Int'. The default
 implementation is optimized for structures
 that are similar to cons-lists, because
 there is no general way to do better.

·∾ length [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)]

·∾ fmap length [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)]

·∾ fmap length Just [1,2,3]

·∾ fmap length (Just [1,2,3])
Just 3

·∾ fmap length [Just 1,Just 2,Nothing]


·∾ :type elem
elem :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a -> Bool

·∾ :doc elem
 Does the element occur in the structure?

·∾ elem 2 (Just 3)

·∾ elem True (Left False)

·∾ elem True (Left True)

·∾ elem True (Right False)

·∾ elem True (Right True)

·∾ xs = [Right 1,Right 2,Right 3]

·∾ fmap (elem 3) xs

maximum and minimum

Here, notice that Left and Nothing (and similar) values are empty for the purposes of these functions:

·∾ maximum [10,12,33,5]

·∾ xs = [Just 2, Just 10, Just 4]

·∾ fmap maximum xs

·∾ fmap maximum [Just 2, Just 10, Just 4]

·∾ fmap maximum (Just [3,7,10,2])
Just 10

·∾ minimum "julie"

·∾ fmap minimum (Just "julie")
Just 'e'

·∾ xs = map Just "jul"
·∾ xs
[Just 'j',Just 'u',Just 'l']

·∾ fmap minimum xs

·∾ xs = [Just 4, Just 3, Nothing]

·∾ fmap minimum xs
[4,3,*** Exception: minimum: empty structure

·∾ minimum (Left 3)
*** Exception: minimum: empty structure

sum and product

·∾ sum (7,5)

·∾ fmap sum [(7,5),(3,4)]

·∾ fmap sum (Just [1,2,3,4,5])
Just 15

·∾ product Nothing

·∾ fmap product (Just [])
Just 1

·∾ fmap product (Right [1,2,3])
Right 6

20.5.7 Exercises: Library Functions

Implement the functions in terms of foldMap or foldr from Foldable, then try them out with multiple types that have Foldable instances.

  1. This and the next one are nicer with foldMap, but foldr is fine, too. sum :: (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a

    sum :: (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a
    sum x = getSum $ foldMap Sum x
  2. product :: (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a

    product :: (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a
    product x = getProduct $ foldMap Product x
  3. elem :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a -> Bool

    elem :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a -> Bool
    elem e t = foldr (\x xs -> e == x || xs) False t
  4. minimum :: (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> Maybe a

    I’m still working on this exercise.

    minimum :: (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> Maybe a
    minimum t
      | null t    = Nothing
      | otherwise  = foldr f Nothing t
          f x Nothing    = Just x
          f x (Just acc) =
            if x < acc then Just x else Just acc
  5. maximum :: (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> Maybe a

    I’m still working on this exercise.

    maximum :: (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> Maybe a
    maximum t
      | null t    = Nothing
      | otherwise  = foldr f Nothing t
          f x Nothing    = Just x
          f x (Just acc) =
            if x > acc then Just x else Just acc
  6. null :: (Foldable t) => t a -> Bool

    null :: (Foldable t) => t a -> Bool
    null x = length x == 0
  7. length :: (Foldable t) => t a -> Int

    length :: (Foldable t) => t a -> Int
    length t = foldr (\x xs -> 1 + xs) 0 t
  8. Some say this is all Foldable amounts to. toList :: (Foldable t) => t a -> [a]

    toList :: (Foldable t) => t a -> [a]
    toList t = foldr (\x xs -> x : xs) [] t
  9. fold :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) => t m -> m (Hint: use foldMap.)

fold :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) => t m -> m
fold x = foldMap id x

  1. Define foldMap in terms of foldr. foldMap :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m

-- Write this function in terms of foldr.
foldMap :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap f x = foldr (mappend . f) mempty x

foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr = Data.Foldable.foldr